IC. ZENDAYA Zwycięzca*PL SIB ny 22 |
GIC. IMPERATOR Manchzhury*RU SIB ns 24 |
--- SIB |
--- SIB |
Male SIB ds 09 24 |
Male SIB d 09 22 |
Female SIB es 09 23 |
IC. BIBI BIS od Królowych*PL SIB n 09 24 |
IC. BARTOLOMEJ Ceska Sibir SIB ds 24 |
Black silver of whit spotted SIB ns 09 24 |
IC. BIBI BIS od Królowych*PL SIB n 09 24 |
IC. BARTOLOMEJ Ceska Sibir SIB ds 24 |
Black tortoiseshell mackerel - SIB f 23 |
Black tortoiseshell silver spotted - SIB fs 24 |
IC. NUTKA z Baśni*PL SIB f 09 23 |
CH BARTOLOMEJ Ceska Sibir SIB ds 24 |
Black unspecified amount of white - SIB n 09 |
Red silver mackerel - SIB ds 23 |
Black mackerel - SIB n 23 |
Red mackerel - SIB d 23 |
Black mackerel - SIB n 23 |
Red spotted - SIB d 24 |
Red silver mackerel - SIB ds 23 |
( neva masquarade) - SIB x |
CH BIBI BIS od Królowych*PL SIB n 09 24 |
CH BARTOLOMEJ Ceska Sibir SIB ds 24 |
Black tortoiseshell silver mackerel - SIB fs 23 |
Black silver blodched - SIB ns 22 |
Black smoke unspecified amount of white - SIB ns 09 |
Black unspecified amount of white mackerel - SIB n 09 23 |
Black silver mackerel - SIB ns 23 |
Black smoke unspecified amount of white - SIB ns 09 |
CH BIBI BIS od Królowych*PL SIB n 09 24 |
CH BARTOLOMEJ Ceska Sibir SIB ds 24 |
Blue tortoiseshell silver mackerel - SIB gs 23 |
Blue tortoiseshell silver mackerel - SIB gs 23 |
Blue silver blodched - SIB as 22 |
Black smoke unspecified amount of white - SIB ns 09 |
Black unspecified amount of white - SIB n 09 |
Black smoke unspecified amount of white - SIB ns 09 |
Copyright © 2004 - 2008 by Aneri Keram*PL . All rights reserved.
Wykonanie i zarządzanie: M. Kowalińscy